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Themes > Monuments

Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Amvrosiivka. Memorable sign to victims of repression 1930-50-s
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Amvrosiivka. Signage at memorial sign to victims of repression
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Artem – Soviet leader of Donbas
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Bust Kindrat Bulavin
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Monument geologist at building association "Donbassgeologiya"
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Monument tankers
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Monument to Artem
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Monument to Artem (Sergeyev)
Donetsk Region photo ukraine
Artemivsk. Monument to K. Bulavin
Autonomous Republic of Crimea photo ukraine
Bakhchysarai. Ekaterina's mile
Autonomous Republic of Crimea photo ukraine
Bakhchysarai. Monument to A. Pushkin
Sevastopol City photo ukraine
Balaklava. Monument to L. Ukrainka
Sevastopol City photo ukraine
Balaklava. Monument to L. Ukrainka
Sevastopol City photo ukraine
Balaklava. Obelisk on shore of bay
Vinnytsia Region photo ukraine
Bar. Monument to beetroot-man of sugar factory
Vinnytsia Region photo ukraine
Bar. Truck AA on pedestal of Automobile
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Berdiansk plumber
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Bronze plumber
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Cross to 2000 anniversary of Christ Nativity
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Favorite place to take pictures
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Granite chair desires
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument goby-breadwinner
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument plumbing
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to A. Pushkin and lights
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to Alexander Pushkin
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to captain Crytskyi
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to First City Council
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to fisherman
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to M. Shaulskyi
Zaporizhzhia Region photo ukraine
Berdiansk. Monument to Mikhail plumber

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You can order any interested original photo image from any place of the Ukraine by e-mail [email protected], and after payment will receive one during three days

Town Korets. River Korchyk valley, Rivne Region, Panorams
Town Korets. River Korchyk valley, Rivne Region, Panorams
Lutsk. Lutsk castle, inside facade of Vladycha tower, Volyn Region, Fortesses & Castles
Lutsk. Lutsk castle, inside facade of Vladycha tower, Volyn Region, Fortesses & Castles
Donetsk. Side facade of chapel of St. Barbara, Donetsk Region, Churches
Donetsk. Side facade of chapel of St. Barbara, Donetsk Region, Churches

weather forecast Kiev map of Kiev city
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Support by pikalov.kiev.ua